Document Retrieval & Land Records Services in Minnesota

Minnesota county recorded Real Property Document Retrieval information in
In the course of MN property title research or real estate due diligence, you may find you need specific scanned / photocopies of property records (land records); a deed, a mortgage, a lien, etc. Title Reports Minnesota provides document retrieval services and will get you copies of the exact document or types of documents you're looking for. Document copies from MN county records may require a title abstractor to physically go to the local county record's office. Depending on the record's office and date of recording, this will include taking photos and/or obtaining scans from one or more mediums; records books, microfiche, microfilm, digital databases. Generally, retrieving copies of Minnesota land records from the county records office will take us 1 to 5 business days to complete.
Choose from Minnesota certified abstractor services offering title reports, Minnesota land title, real property title search, deed copies, and Minnesota document images.

Deed Retrieval

  • Zoning: Any
    • Copy of Current Vested Deed from a Minnesota County Public Records Office.
    • Copies are not certified.
    • Certified Title Examiner.
    • Limited Support.
  • Price: $75.00
Call 1-763-710-6263

Document Retrieval

  • Zoning: Any
    • Copy of Land Record from a Minnesota County Public Records Office.
    • Certified Title Examiner.
    • Limited Support.
  • Starts At: $75.00
Call 1-763-710-6263
Title Report Accuracy Guaranteed
Have confidence that your Minnesota title search will be accurate. Read more in our FAQ.
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